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Exploring Careers in Employment Placement Agencies

Choosing a career may be a challenging task. There are many individuals who go half of their lives not knowing exactly what they want to do in the area of careers. However, as these individuals meet with career counselors and search databases within various employment placement agencies, they may become interested in careers in this industry. Jobs in employment placement agencies are considered to be one of the top rated and fastest growing positions in the country. If you are interested in a career in the employment placement market, this article is for you.One of the many advantages to exploring careers in various employment placement agencies is that you will find that it normally does not take a four year degree to acquire employment. Normally, in order to acquire a position in an employment placement agency, you will simply be required to submit proof that you have graduated from an accredited high school. However, it is important to know and understand that many administrative or specialized positions within the agency may require you to submit proof that you have obtained a higher form of education.There are numerous career opportunities available to individuals that are interested in acquiring jobs within an employment placement agency. Many positions within these agencies are considered to be permanent positions. Numerous jobs, such as certain clerical positions, are temporary. The temporary positions work to provide individuals with a certain skill set so that they may eventually position themselves in permanent employment. In a temporary position in an employment placement agency, an individual may learn how to effectively operate a computer, deal effectively with customers on the telephone, learn interviewing skills, or simply brush up on their social skills.Within each employment placement agency, there are jobs that are suited according to the needs of the business. These positions include management of personnel, effectively directing the finances of the institution, and then there are individuals that focus on the marketing that occurs within the business. There are numerous individuals that specialize in the actual recruitments of potential employees in the agency. These individuals may interview potential employees, counsel individuals on what kind of career may suit them, and even assist in the actual placement as far as a job is concerned.There are numerous administrative positions available in employment placement agencies. People, who acquire administrative positions with an employment placement agency, normally engage in tasks that involve bookkeeping, working with computers, deal with various computer software programs, such as Microsoft Office, and answer calls from customers. Nearly one quarter of the jobs within an employment placement agency are considered to be administrative.There are positions available within an employment placement agency which allows a person to pursue the career of a receptionist. The receptionist is a very important job. This is the individual that focuses on greeting people that enter the agency. These individuals also look up employee information and other information in the computer system, answer telephone calls, and perform a wide range of other jobs as specified by the employment placement agency.As you can see, there are numerous jobs that an individual can pursue within an employment placement agency. The ones mentioned here are simply the most popular entry-level positions. Other specific jobs in the agency may include a filing clerk, an employment trainer, job interviewers, stockers, and more. If you are interested in pursing a position with a specific employment placement agency, it is important that you contact them directly to explore the careers that are offered there.Generally, if you pursue a career with an employment placement agency, entry-level positions will compensate at least minimum wage. Maximum wage in this type of agency depends on many different factors. These factors include the amount of education that is required to perform the position, the demand for the position, and the area where the agency is located. The average rate of pay for positions in an employment placement agency ranges from approximately $9.00 per hour, up to $12 an hour.Some of the top employment agencies in Canada include:1. Carrefour Jeunesse Ć¢EUR” Emploi2. GSA Search Consultants3. Job Resource Centre4. The Personnel Department5. Community Employment ServicesSome of the top employment agencies in the United States include:1. ACG Staffing2. Alliance HR Network3. Connections Personnel4. Work Source5. Snelling Staffing ServicesIf you are interested in pursuing a career with an employment placement agency, there are many exciting specialties that you can pursue. Nearly every province in Canada and nearly every city within the United States have a wide assortment of agencies with numerous opportunities waiting for you!